Cătălin Moga, Crina Feneșan and Mircea Suciu
DOI: 10.2478/ouacsce-2023-0003
Pages 10 – 17
Abstract – For average spans, the composite structures such as steel plate beams or box sections, with a monolithic or prefabricated concrete slab at the top flange used for the construction of footbridges are nowadays widely utilized. The use of composite orthotropic deck can be an advantageous solution, taking into account the following consideration: increases the structure’s stiffness to bending and torsion; the steel deck has the function of bracing and ensures the lateral stability; the parameters regarding the dynamic behaviour of the structure are improved. In the case study, a working example and an analysis for the structure of a footbridge built over the Someș River in city of Cluj-Napoca are presented.
Keywords – composite deck, concrete creep and shrinkage, dynamic analysis, footbridges, orthotropic plate, shear lag effect.