Mathematical modelling and simulation of the river waters nitrification process

Petrică Daniel Toma

DOI: 10.2478/ouacsce-2023-0004

Pages 18 – 28

Abstract – This paper presents the mathematical model of the nitrification process starting from the kinetic equations describing this process. The mathematical model was developed using Scilab-Xcos program and allows the visualization in time of the water concentration evolution of the following parameters: organic nitrogen (Norg), ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N), nitrite nitrogen (NO2-N), nitrate nitrogen (NO3-N), oxygen (C) and biochemical oxygen consumption for the oxidation of organic substances containing carbon (LC). Also in this work is presented an example of simulation of the above mentioned parameters.

Keywords: dissolved oxygen in water, modelling, nitrification, Scilab-Xcos, simulation

"Ovidius” University Annals of Constanta

"Ovidius” University Annals of Constanta