Lavinia Mastac, Alexandru Nicolae Bizu, Gabriela Draghici, Cosmin Filip
DOI: 10.2478/ouacsce-2024-0006
Pages: 45-52
Abstract – This article examines the financial management of a construction
company over a period of nearly two decades (2005-2022). The impact of legislative
modifications on small and medium-sized company (SMEs) within the Romanian
construction industry was analyzed. The results of the data analysis reveal the
susceptibility of a micro-entreprise (SME) in the construction sector to significant
events during this period, indicating that both positive and negative effects were
influenced and altered by about 50%. The study examines the impact of economic
volatility and regulatory changes, including the 2009 global financial crisis and the
COVID-19 pandemic, on the financial and development performance of the
enterprise. The comparative analysis of construction sector statistics emphasizes the
importance of regulatory stability for microenterprises within this domain. This offers
valuable insights for the financial management of these enterprises and the
development of small businesses during difficult economic conditions.
Keywords – construction company, financial management, legislative regulation,