The role of legal norms in sustainable urban planning

Florica Brașoveanu

DOI: 10.2478/ouacsce-2024-0012

Pages: 104-110

Abstract – Sustainable urban planning plays an essential role in ensuring a
balance between urban development and environmental protection, helping to
increase the quality of life in communities. Legal norms are the foundation for the
implementation of effective policies in this area, by regulating green spaces and
sustainable land use. This study explores the national and European legislative
framework on sustainable urban planning, analyzes the impact of the application of
legal norms on the quality of the urban environment and proposes legislative and
administrative solutions to improve existing regulations. The study highlights the need
for more active involvement of local communities and more effective coordination
between public authorities to ensure harmonious and sustainable urban development.

Keywordsenvironmental protection, legal norms, sustainable urban planning,
urban development.

"Ovidius” University Annals of Constanta

"Ovidius” University Annals of Constanta