Investments, performance and economic impact in the wastewater sector: correlations and trends in the period 2012-2022

Octavia Moise, George Banghiore, Mari-Isabella Stan

DOI: 10.2478/ouacsce-2024-0014

Pages: 119-126

Abstract – This study analyses the relationships between investments, network
expansion, operational costs, tariffs and environmental compliance in sewage services in
Romania, over the period 2012–2022. Using a quantitative methodology based on
correlation matrix and principal component analysis (PCA), the research highlights the
interdependencies between key indicators. The results show that connected population
and tariffs are determinants of economic sustainability, while investments indirectly
contribute to improving environmental compliance. The study highlights the need for an
integrated strategy that combines financial efficiency, infrastructure modernization and
environmental compliance to ensure long-term sustainability.

Keywordseconomic impact, investments, performance, wastewater.

"Ovidius” University Annals of Constanta

"Ovidius” University Annals of Constanta