Author Guidelines

Basic Instructions

The OUACSCE Journal Editorial Board welcomes high-quality scientific work that has not previously been published and that contains outputs that are beneficial and original. The journal publishes original research papers containing the results of basic research or applied research.

English editing

Manuscripts are accepted in English only. To facilitate proper peer-reviewing of your manuscript, it is essential that it is submitted in grammatically correct English. If you are not a native English speaker, we recommend that you have your manuscript professionally edited before submission or read by a native English-speaking colleague. Professional editing will enable reviewers and future readers to read and assess the content of submitted manuscripts more easily. Submission with poor English quality will be directly rejected.

Online submission

Publishing in the OUACSCE Journal is free of charge and can be done only using the journal’s online submission system. All manuscripts must be submitted to Editorial Office through Online Submission by assessing the following address: ________________________, where author must register as Author. If authors are experiencing problems on the online submission, they can contact Editorial Office at email: _______________________________________________

Recommended length of an article is 6-15 pages. The submission must contain all figures, tables, references etc. in the correct position of the text.

A maximum of 2 manuscripts per author (as first author) can be submitted within one issue.

Before the submission

Please make sure you adhere to the standards of publication ethics. You will find more information on ethics in publishing in our Publication ethics principles.

A declaration of originality and a Copyright transfer are part of the submission process.

Download the MS word template (docx) and the Guideline for authors (pdf).

The Guide contains manuscript requirements, e.g. specification of submission format, paper structure, figures and tables, and references. Figures should be submitted in quality (300 dpi) and size for print.

A thorough description of the publishing you can find in the Publication process in the detailed document.

Please check your text for correct scientific English and try to eliminate possible grammatical and/or spelling errors. The journal doesn’t provide proofreading and any potential language lapses are the sole responsibility of the author(s). Only standard proof is a part of the post-review process.

The Submission

All submitted manuscripts are screened for plagiarism using a software tool.

The journal has double blind peer-review process that is carried out by the Editorial team. Reviewers are international experts in the selected field, and they are carefully chosen by editors based on the manuscript’s topic. To observe reviewers’ independence and objectivity, reviewers never know authors name and affiliation. Authors will receive first feedback from the Editorial team, the final publication then depends on reviewers’ comments.

As a part of the submission process, authors are requested to verify their submission’s compliance with all items on Submission Preparation Checklist.

After registering, please submit your paper in the journal Template form (docx).

Please suggest the names and institutional e-mail addresses of several potential reviewers. The suggested reviewers should be independent, should have the appropriate expertise in the papers’ topic and must not have the same affiliation as the author(s). Nevertheless, the editor keeps the right to decide whether the proposed reviewers are used.

After acceptance

As the journal is fully Open Access, all content is freely available to the users after publication. The papers are published under the Creative Commons CC-BY license (see Copyright notice section for details).

The OUACSCE Journal assigns Digital Object Identifier (DOI) to all published articles. The DOI is a unique string of characters assigned to a specific article by the publisher (SCIENDO) upon the electronic publication and it is guaranteed never to change. It is therefore ideal to use DOI in URL format as a link to your published work.

Authors are obliged to include a DOI identifier with cited references where available. DOIs can be found with the article full text, content, or article information at the journal (publication) or publisher website, or in the publisher on-line database.

For more details, please contact the editor’s office.