Development and Choice of a Sustainable Strategy inthe Construction Company

Aneta Marichova

Abstract – In recent years, the concept of sustainable development of the
company occupies an increasingly large place, both in theoretical research and in
practice. The idea does not imply a fixed state of harmony, but a progressive goal that
directs company development and management to change the exploitation of
resources, technologies, institutions and investments. The new challenges pose a
number of questions – what motivates the owner, the manager in this direction, what
is the relationship between sustainable development and long-term success in business
(building competitive advantages); what are the factors that determine the choice of a
sustainable strategy in the company. This determines the purpose of the research – to
analyze the relationship between the sustainable development of the company and the
building of competitive advantages, which is mediated by the company strategy, a
function of market and company characteristics.

Keywords – competitive advantages, market and company characteristic, strategy,
sustainable development.

DOI: 10.2478/ouacsce-2022-0001

Pages 01-12

"Ovidius” University Annals of Constanta

"Ovidius” University Annals of Constanta