Storage Heat in Buildings Elements is an Option to Reduce the Energy Consumption in Buildings Keeping the Comfort Parameters?

Lucian Cîrstolovean

Abstract – Storage energy in buildings elements, in residential buidings, is a way
to obtain low energy consumption for heat the buildings and keep the comfort
parameters to the minimum require. We present a calculus of heat variation in walls
with differents structure using Fourier law of conduction. In a building if heat plant
operate continuu and the external temperature is variable the heat transfer cause the
variation of temperature on the surface of external wals (buildings elements) and the
variation of internal temperature, variation of internal temperature more than. The
variation of internal temperature is adicted by the thermotechnical characteristics of
constructions materials use to realize the building.

Keywords – buildings, buildings elements, consumption, energy, storage

Pages 25-29

DOI: 10.2478/ouacsce-2022-0003

"Ovidius” University Annals of Constanta

"Ovidius” University Annals of Constanta