Considerations on cultural and natural heritage and the universal obligation to protect and transmit it to future generations

Florica Brașoveanu

DOI: 10.2478/ouacsce-2024-0013

Pages: 111-118

Abstract – Cultural and natural heritage is an essential expression of
humankind’s diversity and identity, with a universal value that requires protection
through appropriate legal measures. This article analyzes the universal obligation to
protect and transmit cultural and natural heritage to future generations, on the basis
of the main international instruments, such as the 1972 UNESCO Convention, as well
as European and national regulations. In this context, fundamental principles such as
non-regression, intergenerational responsibility and international collaboration are
addressed. The study highlights the importance of the synergy between cultural and
environmental rights, underlining the need to harmonize legal rules to ensure effective
and sustainable protection of this invaluable heritage.

Keywordscultural and natural heritage, environmental rights, legal protection.

"Ovidius” University Annals of Constanta

"Ovidius” University Annals of Constanta