Contributions on the Seismic Calculation of Grain Steel Silos by Considering the Seismic Action as an Effect
Adrian Ghencea Abstract – Both at the national and international level, the specialized literaturedevotes many lines to the description of…
Adrian Ghencea Abstract – Both at the national and international level, the specialized literaturedevotes many lines to the description of…
Constantin Cerneagă, Nicușor Buzgaru and Carmen Maftei Abstract – The first step in any and all digital modeling endeavors is…
Mirela Popa Abstract – Depending on the risk of fire associated with a building, they must meetsome minimum requirements associated…
Ana Maria Grămescu, Mihaela Pericleanu, Corina Elena Anghelescu and NicoletaÎnsurățelu Abstract – An important role in a good construction design…
Sunai Gelmambet Abstract – In practice, dual structural systems are frequently encountered,consisting of structural walls and reinforced concrete frames. The…
Vahid Nasiri and Carmen Maftei Abstract – The Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) are essential source oftopographic information in many disciplines.…
Carmen Georgiana Țigău, Corina Elena Anghelescu, Bogdan Teodorescu and Ana MariaGrămescu Abstract – In definition, the restoration of an architectural…
Mădălina Iordache, Ana Maria Grămescu and Cosmin Filip Abstract – In this paper, the authors analyze the deficiencies found in…
Anca Constantin and Claudiu Ștefan Nițescu Abstract – This paper deals with effect of friction dampers on seismic response of2D…
Delia-Ioana Andrieș, Tudorel Șeitan and Ana Maria Grămescu Abstract – The restoration and enhancement of ancient vestiges is of particularimportance…