Aspects Regarding the Monitoring of Heritage Buildings

Mădălina Iordache, Ana Maria Grămescu and Cosmin Filip

Abstract – In this paper, the authors analyze the deficiencies found in heritage
constructions in urban sites, the cause of the identification of the facts and at the same
time propose conservation and monitoring measures in order to save the existing
heritage, the valuable constructions, the identity of the community.
The case studies analyzed are the results of research made in the Historical Center
of Brăila Municipality, identifying an appreciable number of buildings, some historical
monuments, others included in the historical center, having valuable elements for which
a constructive attitude of conservation and restoration must be adopted.
For an immediate future stage, the authors do not consider the need to promote a
restoration project but an attitude of conservation and protection.

Keywords – causes of degradation of historical buildings, examples of structural
degradation, heritage buildings Brăila Municipality

Pages: 124-134

DOI: 10.2478/ouacsce-2022-0014

"Ovidius” University Annals of Constanta

"Ovidius” University Annals of Constanta