The behavior of large panel constructions to seismic actions

Razvan Dimofte, Ana Maria Grămescu, Dana Nicoleta Domolescu, Corina Ramona Grigoraș

DOI: 10.2478/ouacsce-2024-0003

Pages: 22-27

Abstract – Large panel structures were used on a large scale between 1975-1987 for
block structures, being one of the solutions with high productivity for that period.
Considering the appreciable volume of residential buildings with such a structure, the
author group proposed to conduct research on the behavior of these structures, both in
seismic actions and in other actions as a whole doing research on the way of behavior
over time. The results of this research led to the application of appropriate methods and
techniques for their rehabilitation, for some intervention works as a result of some
identified shortcomings. Mainly the buildings that have facades made of large panels
were studied, but buildings that were made with such a structure in their integrity are
also presented. The obtained results offer valuable material in the development of
knowledge and in the assessment of the degree of risk and vulnerability.

Keywordsearthquake, large panel structures, seismic actions

"Ovidius” University Annals of Constanta

"Ovidius” University Annals of Constanta