Impermeabilization treatments for materials used in heritage buildings in Dobrogea Area

Mihaela Pericleanu, Bucur Dan Pericleanu and Ana Maria Grămescu

DOI: 10.2478/ouacsce-2023-0012

Pages 81 – 91

Abstract – The water repellent treatments (impermeabilization treatments) are a type of treatment usually used for conservation of the material in heritage buildings (especially for porous stone, brick masonry or mortars) that are altered by water. The purpose of the research was to find out if those kinds of treatments can be used in materials from heritage buildings in Dobrogea area. For the samples taken from patrimony buildings and studied according to a proposed methodology the results showed that this type of treatments can be used according to the positive response obtained (taking into consideration the three criteria for evaluating the initial effectiveness, the potential harmfulness and durability of the treatment applied). The authors propose to use this type of treatments on other type of stone characteristic to this region and other materials also and to extend the study to various types of water repellent products.

Keywords – heritage buildings, masonry, materials, water repellent.

"Ovidius” University Annals of Constanta

"Ovidius” University Annals of Constanta